Scoring Enquiry
This form should only be used to request review a possible scoring discrepancy. It should b used if you believe you are incorrect scored. It is not a Request for Redress. The Race Committee will review and respond to each request and return this form to the Race Office.
Please use a separate form for each individual request. This enquiry will be review by Race Committee as soon as possible.
2 y 3
Vicente Curzi
15 y 11
Other boats/boards finishing nearby (give numbers and relative finish to you)
Buenos días, en el inicio (largada) de la segunda y tercera regata del día 15/4/22 me colocaron BFD. Yo Vicente Curzi estoy seguro que no me pase en ninguna de las dos regatas. Largue en la tercera al lado del 210052. Espero la revisión de mis resultados. Saludos Muchas Gracias!
Additional Comments:
Corrí en ILCA6 Vela 173887